The Investment World is difficult in Social Media Age

In today’s world where so many investment products are available , we got cluttered with doubts and dejection many times . At last we try to do lot of research but later we invest depending on our personal guts and sometimes gets profit and most of the time mediocre return or pure loss.

Do you know why it generally happen ?

The answer is from our childhood we have been told that we should not depend on anybody and do on our own , which is self reliance .

But think once while you perform/invest are you doing the same ?

Definitely NO!!

You saw some youtube channel and insta shorts or some twitter thread etc and then invest . In this modern social media age its easy to influence anybody as people are 24/7/365 days staying with mobile . Even in your bed also you watch this before sleeping which impacts severally to your subconscious mind and deepen conviction .

Actually this is not “swadhaya” . Actually it means self study and retrospection .

Its always borrowed conviction and knowledge which will hardly make you wealthy .

Recently i discussed with one guy who called me and told want me to invest in mutual fund and told “INDEX Fund is safe”

Do you think really INDEX Fund is safe ? Kindly do a swadhaya .